About Us

Waterside Class Limited is seeking authorisation to act as the class representative for the proposed claim on behalf of the class members. Waterside is a company incorporated for the purpose of bringing this claim, and its sole director – Ms Anne Heal – has held a number of non-executive roles that demonstrate her advocacy for, and commitment to, consumers and citizens across a wide range of sectors.

Ms Heal is based in the UK and has held a number of non-executive roles that demonstrate her advocacy for, and commitment to, consumers and citizens across a wide range of sectors, including Director of Regulatory Affairs for BT, roles at the Office of Rail and Road and the General Dental Council and chair of the Thames Water Customer Challenge Group.

Anne Heal is bringing the claim through Waterside rather than herself as an individual for administrative reasons. For example, conducting litigation as a company makes it easier to maintain accounts and monitor the flow of money.

She has established an advisory panel of experts to offer support and guidance to Waterside throughout the proceedings. The panel members have extensive relevant knowledge and experience in competition law, litigation and consumer rights challenges.

Waterside, led by Anne Heal, would conduct the claim on behalf of all class members: instructing lawyers and economists, making strategic decisions, and considering any settlement offers that the proposed defendants may make. As class representative, Waterside would be responsible for communicating with class members and regularly updating them on the progress of the claim.

Anne Heal has instructed the law firm Simmons & Simmons to represent Waterside Class Limited in the claim. Simmons & Simmons is a highly-respected law firm based in London with offices all over the world. It has significant experience in class action and group litigation cases, having acted on the first opt-out collective proceedings to go to trial in the UK.